Thursday, March 26, 2009


We wonder, question, and look back. Why?

Why is it so hard to be real, and just enjoy the moment. I was once told that when the body's organs are not "100%" up to pare the body will try to protect it self by developing fat around the weak area as a protection. That's what we do with our hearts. We grow fat around our heart so we can protect it from the world. Depending on at which stage in life we are ready to loose the fat, will determine how far back we look, how much we wonder, and how many questions we ask.

I was once told to stop looking for acceptance from others. What that person didn't know, or understand, was that I didn't know how to stop. That was how I protected myself, my heart. I was once told to let go, and so I did.........

Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth

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